Our man at the Post has figured it out, too.
"The plot of this novel is a faint signal, a series of short moments, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, often flecked with intimations of tragedy. Hay's writing is so alluring and her lost souls so endearing that you'll lean in to catch the story's delicate developments as these characters shuffle along through quiet desperation and yearning. You'll also begin to hear how Hay is deepening the range of this book."
Just me, but I really like the American cover, too.
I loved reading *Late Nights on Air* -- as well as Todd Babiak's *The Garneau Block*. Both stories lure us into fleeting and surprising intimacies that can occur in ordinary moments...and into crossroad trajectories that hinge on these encounters -- our lives can be stirred into entirely new directions, as are the characters' in these stories. I love the surprises that can come from a glance, a word spoken or overheard, a face seen through a window...
Dave...can you recommend any other novels that read like the two above? Thanks :-)
Hey Jaliya,
Thanks for stopping by. I'm still blown away by Jonathan Coe's The Rain Before it Falls. It's been out in North America for a couple months, and it's about the best thing I've read so far this year.
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