"But in every other way, reading on a Kindle is to reading a book as having sex while wearing (two) condoms is to having sex: It's still technically intercourse, but doesn't feel the same. A book feels like a thing that can be passed from hand to hand. Kindle feels convenient. Vague as that sounds, it's a profound difference."
If I ever had to use a Kindle I'd probably wear rubber gloves and the cond...ah, I'll pass on the whole thing.
The thing that e-readers have - or will have soon, once the screen size is big enough - that "real" books don't is the ability to deliver books to people who need large print and who don't want to read historical fiction or romance. Unfortunately, I don't see how indie bookstores can address this gap as well - publishers just don't make large print versions available for so many books.
Hi Tom,
You're correct, it's going to be tough to fight adjustable font size in a fixed paper format. But what needs to happen is for a non-proprietary e-format to be made accessible to indies, and once that gets done (?) the playing field is level. For now, good optical health
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