Monday, January 11, 2010

What is besides Chuck's bed?

Something about not working regular hours, perhaps you amass more books than the rest of the staff at Words Worth...

Here's just a taste of the books Chuck's got on the go:
1) When Nietszche Wept by Irvin Yalom - a might-have-happened novel about Freud's mentor trying out "talk therapy" with Friedrich Nietszche - who is therapist, who is patient?
2) Skin Boat - acts of faith & other navigations, by John Terpstra - why church matters
3) The Breakwater House, by Pascale Quiviger (GG winner for The Perfect Circle) - due out in Feb., a spooky story set in a beach house near Paris
4) Sum - forty tales from the afterlife, David Eagleman who is a neuroscientist - wildly varied scenarios about what might happen after death

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