With our country's birthday just around the corner, this is the best time of the year to read up on our history.
H.V. Nelles delivers with the short and delightful
A Little History of Canada. First, the vintage looking cover pulls me in. (Yes I do judge a book by it's cover!). Then the range of information written in such an informative and interesting way proves that this was a good choice. Beginning at the earliest human occupation of North America, 14'000 years ago, this captivating read takes a journey through Canada's history to the present day. Our country has certainly go through many fundemental changes, from Aboriginal occupation through French and British colonization to the rise of our distinct society. Nelles argues that Canada's theme is transformation. I think I would have payed more attention during high school history class, if I had had this little book. A quick read, and the perfect choice for the long weekend!
Enjoy - Bronwyn
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