Saturday, June 30, 2007

No Time for Goodbye-Linwood Barclay

I just finished the above title by Toronto Star columnist and crime writer several times over Linwood Barclay. Prompted mostly by those who know better, I dipped into No Time for Goodbye and ripped through it in one sitting. We stocked his earlier stuff, but I didn't pick it up at the time. I'm going to rectify that in a hell of a hurry because the new one (pub date Sept 25) is damn near flawless. Even when crime fiction has some of the conventions of the genre around plotting; it's the really good stuff that can move briskly along, possessed with strong characters and rest comfortably on one hell of a hook. I read in pretty much in one sitting and damn me for not picking him up sooner.
I'll review closer to pub date, but I'm going to have a great deal of fun in the falling haranguing everyone to pick this up.
Nicely done, Mr. Barclay

Posted by Dave

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