Monday, July 06, 2009

By the way...

I have a few Book Plates signed by Meg Rosoff. I would love to give these away to anyone who wants one. I have slipped one inside her books at the store if you want to pick one up. Or, if you already have one of this remarkable lady's books, just send along a comment or an e-mail and you will own your own signed book plate.


"I have just finished reading How I Live Now, by Meg Rosoff, for my Book Club (WWB's official in-store book club--its been a lot of fun, contact me to join) and it ranks as one of my favorite fiction picks in a while. New Yorker Daisy exiles herself to stay with estranged cousins, actually she's never met them, in the English countryside. Four precocious cousins and their mother live in a sprawling, charming old house, embedded in the lush natural landscape. Her Aunt Penn is busy in the city with some hazy government work and the 5 of them make due at home without any adult supervision, filling their days with farmwork, picnics and reading. Idyllic, until the war begins.
I was blown away by this story. I love that Rosoff had decided to set the events during an imagined war, one that feeds on confusion and seems to be a historical pastiche of conflicts during the last century. Rosoff is a master storyteller, an impeccable writer, and dammit, she made me weep (I won't tell you at which part but if you fnd me in the store, ask me and I will say as much as I can before excusing myself, hardly contained, for the washroom). But seriously, a novel like this proves the resonance of literature and its importance for the human heart"
I'm very excited for Wednesday when I get to announce the winners of our Mandy's Favourite Reads This Summer book giveaway! And don't forget to finish off your copy of House of Leaves and be back here in a few weeks to see how it all ends.

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